The Fun of Just Starting Out
That First Move It's been a while since I have lived with my parents. I joined the workforce at what could be considered a young age. As such, I really was unprepared for what was to come. Just through applying around the town in which I had moved, I found myself working as a recreational vehicle repairman. Let's just say that job was not a good fit for someone who really had no mechanical or "fix-it" skills of any kind. Suffice it to say, I found myself looking for other employment and got a job that paid a lot less than the previous one. This resulted in the discovery of how cheap a case of Ramen Noodles and how long it could feed me. When you are scraping by, you begin to get innovative when you go to open the fridge, only to find bologna and mustard. Then you go to the cupboard and find an opened bag of stale animal crackers sitting at the back of the top shelf that you don't remember buying. Some people may relate to that and some people may not. Those ea...