
Showing posts from November, 2018

Kitchen Space is a Hot Commodity

Kitchen Islands and Carts If you have a kitchen with limited space, you probably understand how hard it can be to cook for a large group of people. Growing up, I would listen to my mom wish upon the stars for more room in her kitchen. After we moved into a larger house, I assume we had more room for her to prepare meals. In all honesty, I wasn't really paying attention. Those lego sets weren't going to build themselves, you know? I did hear her complain about not having enough room every now and again when she would be preparing for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner and times where a larger crowd than usual was going to be eating. I would hear her wish for her own island occasionally. You will have to forgive my young mind for conjuring images of my mom leaving for Hawaii when I would hear her desire for a small mass of land surrounded by water. In all honesty, this seemingly odd request led me to help my mom in the kitchen more and more. My dad worked 12 hou...

It's that Time of Year Again - House of Furniture in Clovis, NM

'Tis the Season Already? It that time again. The holiday season is about to kick off with Thanksgiving coming around the corner. While this season is all good in its intentions, it can cause some added stress to some people. With all the traveling and family gatherings, some people begin to feel overwhelmed. Cooking, driving, shopping, gifting and more can put people over the edge and make it to where they dread the holiday season. Here are some tips to help alleviate some of the added humbugs that can coalesce throughout this time of year.  1) Take a Personal Day - While this may be easier for some than others depending on your work environment, it may be in your best interest to take a personal day out of the middle of the first or second week in December to take care of your shopping. Since you have taken the day off, you can shop at your desired pace unlike when you try to wait until after work and rush, rush, rush. You will be surprised with how stressless early morning...

The Haunted Couch and the Lessons I Learned

Can a Couch be Haunted? You may be asking yourself that very same question. However, after you read this blog, you may have an answer for yourself. I once had a sofa that I am almost one hundred percent sure was a pure amalgamation of upholstery, staples, wood, and evil...  The First Incident I was 20 years old and I had been on my own for a little more than a few months. I had found a small apartment that I rented with the help of a roommate. At the time, we had very little in the way of seating and we also had no way of toting anything too big that was put out by the curb. One day, our next door neighbor was moving and he told us that if we wanted, we could have his couch. He said he was just going to leave it inside and if we wanted it, we had to grab it before he left. Looking back, that should have been a sign.  We picked up the couch initially with no incident and started moving it across to our apartment. In our excitement to have a place to sit other th...

The Game of Thrones in a Nutshell

The Fight for the Iron Throne Anyone who has their fingers on the pulse of the modern cultural zeitgeist has at least heard of the Game of Thrones HBO series. Now, for the die-hard fans, the name of the series is actually just the name of the first book in a series of books called A Song of Ice and Fire. While the tv show follows the entire book series and even goes further into the story than what has been published, fans of both the books and the show will be able to relate.  Westeros The main setting for the story is a fictional land called Westeros and the seven provinces that comprise the nation. Imagine this place as a feudal serfdom like what was going on during The War of the Roses. In this fantasy land, the different kingdoms are all subject to the one who sits on the Iron Throne. For centuries, one mighty family had ruled Westeros; the Targaryens. Now, for the sake of spoilers, I won't get into the massive political intrigue that goes on in this s...

How Often do You Dust Your Furniture?

Dusting Furniture: What is it Good For? Dusting your home can feel like a tedious and endless chore. If I am honest with you, I lived out in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road for a few years and during that time, I decided that there was nothing I could do to fight the dust that was gathering in my home. I gave up... surrendered to the particles and the dingy haze it left on all the surfaces. At the time, it really did seem overwhelming. I could clean the house and go into town to get groceries and come back to dust on the TV screen after only a few hours. I would go months without worrying about dusting because all it took was someone blasting down the road in their pickup and, next thing I know, there is a fresh coat of dust in my house. It got to where I was only dusting if my mom was coming for a visit and she lived out of state.  The Effect of Dust At that time in my youth, I wasn't concerned with the side effects that not dusting can cause. To understand ...