How Often do You Dust Your Furniture?

Dusting Furniture: What is it Good For?

Dusting your home can feel like a tedious and endless chore. If I am honest with you, I lived out in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road for a few years and during that time, I decided that there was nothing I could do to fight the dust that was gathering in my home. I gave up... surrendered to the particles and the dingy haze it left on all the surfaces. At the time, it really did seem overwhelming. I could clean the house and go into town to get groceries and come back to dust on the TV screen after only a few hours. I would go months without worrying about dusting because all it took was someone blasting down the road in their pickup and, next thing I know, there is a fresh coat of dust in my house. It got to where I was only dusting if my mom was coming for a visit and she lived out of state. 

The Effect of Dust

At that time in my youth, I wasn't concerned with the side effects that not dusting can cause. To understand what dust buildup can do, you have to understand what comprises dust. Skin cells, pet dander, fabric particles, dust mite excrement, (they eat the skin cells and pet dander! gross, huh?) pollen, bacteria, and blowing dirt from outdoors makes up the bulk of what we call dust. Sounds like a good reason to try your best to stay on top of things, right? If I had known then what I know now. 

Now, the accumulation of dust in your home can have a lot of consequences. First, your health can suffer especially if you have problems with allergies since pollen is in the mix. Second, your electronics in your home can begin to overheat with their new layer of insulation piling up. One other side effect of a dusty home is that your furniture will acquire lots of fine scratches that can dull their overall look and feel. Over time, their finish will diminish and this can allow unwanted moisture to get in the wood and lead to possible warping and discoloring. 

It is recommended that electronics are dusted weekly and that furniture gets a good wipe down every one to two weeks.  Of course, these times are suggestions and you could actually need to dust more often depending on your climate and location. All in all, as much as it may be a chore, but you can extend the life of the things in your home and possibly stay healthier if you keep on top of it. 

Furniture for Sale in Clovis, NM

If you are like me and you needed to replace some of your scratched up and dull looking stuff, then you may be hunting for a good place to find new furniture for sale. House of Furniture in Clovis, New Mexico is a discount furniture store where you can find what you need without selling your soul to the company store. They have a vast selection of quality items at actual discount prices. Check out everything and get directions from the comfort of your own home by visiting


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