Are You Ready for A Nap on the Couch?

Nap Central Are You Ready for a Nap on the Couch? Whether you are traveling, staying close to home, or hosting Thanksgiving at your house, one thing is for certain; the inevitable food coma. We've all been in that position. You may have had just one plate too many and now you feel like sleep is the only option that sounds good until your body catches up with what you grubbed down on. Funny thing is that feeling you get of being groggy is actually based on a chemical reaction. Now you don't have to feel bad for overindulging! Or, if you're like me, you don't really feel bad about it. While that living room set will be calling your name soon enough, let us take a trip down science lane to figure out why you get so mellow after having some turkey. Trypto the Couch! A lot of people blame the turkey for making them sleepy. However, I noticed that during my low carb phase, I didn't really suffer from a mid-afternoon desire to sleep. Because of that, I decide...