New Year, New Furniture?

The New Year is Almost Here!

When the new year gets closer, a lot of people may begin thinking of new year's resolutions. For many people, the new year represents a great time to make changes in their lives. Some people make decisions to lose weight, some say they will travel more. Regardless of what people choose, it's typically a choice to improve one's health or lifestyle. 

One year, I decided that I would do something that scared me. In my mind, it was going to be an activity like bungee jumping or skydiving. What ended up happening is that I got laid off from my work at the time. After a few weeks of searching, I came across a job working as a boilermaker. I ended up doing one job where I had to go inside a dark metal drum that was about 40 feet long and about 3 feet in diameter. The hole to enter the drum was significantly smaller, and that was when I discovered how claustrophobic I really was. Let me tell you, that was some fear. I began to panic, and it became hard to breath. The hole-watch guy had to talk to me and help me calm down. I got out of the drum and went to my boss to tell him about my experience. He basically said to me that if I didn't want to do it, I could go home. It was at that moment that I decided to do something that scared me. I went back in and finished my work. I always felt on the edge of a nervous breakdown when I had to get back in any drum. 

Almost at the end of the year, I had to travel for a job where I was required to make repairs on some machinery 8 stories in the air. While this detail may not be a big deal to most people, I also suffer from acrophobia, too. It took a lot of effort to do that climb, but it was another instant of deciding it was worth it to be able to pay my bills and eat rather than lose a job. However, my legs shake just climbing a household ladder. I know when I help my dad work on a roof, he just laughs and laughs about how bad my legs shake. Let's just say the guys I worked with were having a lot of fun at my expense.  Anyway, the point of my story is, be careful what you resolve for... It just might come true. 

Clovis Furniture Store

One thing you don't have to be scared of is the prices and service you get when you shop at House of Furniture in Clovis, NM. Click Here to browse all of their quality items of furniture for sale and have a Happy New Year!


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