New Year, New Furniture?

The New Year is Almost Here! When the new year gets closer, a lot of people may begin thinking of new year's resolutions. For many people, the new year represents a great time to make changes in their lives. Some people make decisions to lose weight, some say they will travel more. Regardless of what people choose, it's typically a choice to improve one's health or lifestyle. One year, I decided that I would do something that scared me. In my mind, it was going to be an activity like bungee jumping or skydiving. What ended up happening is that I got laid off from my work at the time. After a few weeks of searching, I came across a job working as a boilermaker. I ended up doing one job where I had to go inside a dark metal drum that was about 40 feet long and about 3 feet in diameter. The hole to enter the drum was significantly smaller, and that was when I discovered how claustrophobic I really was. Let me tell you, that was some fear. I began to panic, and it bec...